Thursday, December 25, 2008


On Tuesday, Jason had the day off of work, so we decided to go bowling. The rest of the family was supposed to join us, but the aforementioned doughnuts didn't sit well with the lightweight's stomachs. The Lee family was there, though, so we stayed and bowled! The second that we walked into the building, Hazen starting going crazy, running around yelling, "Ball!", and laughing when he would see people holding their bowling balls. It was all we could do to keep him from running onto the greased bowling lanes!

He was also quite transfixed with the ball return. We had to keep a pretty close eye on him to make sure that his fingers didn't get smashed. Jason and I had a pretty close game until he had 3 strikes at the end and beat me by 30 points. Next time I'll show him who's boss. This was a fun little family trip for us, because so often I think that Hazen's too young to take him certain places, when in reality, even though it's a little bit more work for us, he has such a fun time. What a sweet little family I have!


Emily said...

I'm so jealous of all the fun you guys always have! Hope you had a great Christmas!