Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breakfast time with Mama

Today Jason wasn't working, so he was entertained when he walked in to the kitchen and saw me sitting on the floor with Hazen sharing cereal with him. What Jason doesn't know, is that for most of the meals when he's not here, I sit on the floor and share them with the boy. Please forgive Jason's giant shirt I'm wearing. I had to put SOMETHING on or I would be slightly indecent!! :o)


Hannah said...

I do that sometimes too! You look darling even in your husband's t's!

Tristan said...

That is so cute! I used to do that all the time with my first daughter. Haven't done it so much with the second. But it is an easy way to feed them!

Unknown said...

That's exactly how our mornings go. Even down to wearing Lincoln's clothes.

Gabriella said...

Hazen looks so cute in those pictures. I'll have to try the sitting on the floor thing. And you look beautiful (as you always do) even when you've just woken up and are wearing Jason's clothes!

Hazen5 said...

There's nothing better than wearing your husband's clothes! You are so sexy.

queenieweenie said...

You could try wearing his G's next! I have a friend who does that and her hubby thinks its the sexiest thing ever! Not really.

Hazen is getting so big and is a total cutie!

diane said...

It's like a picnic!