32 comments in just over 24 hours. I am famous.
I've realized from some of the comments that I've received that I need to so some clarifying. The fact that I have to clarify on my own blog sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out.
-Anonymous, you have yet to remark on this. Feel dumb from the verbal backlash? I would too. You insinuate that you know me. I have an idea who you might be, and if it is, indeed you, I'm horribly disappointed. If I said something to offend you, I wish that you would have had the courage to say it to my face. I wouldn't have needed to tell you to grow a pair. No one likes that.
-As far as me being too much of a coward to look my "close friends" in the face and tell them that I don't respect their decision for home-birth or not vaccinating, I think you've taken it a little far. Let it be known, that I think that home-births are irresponsible. This is probably because I've HAD the experiences that I have. If Hazen would have had everything go completely normal, it probably wouldn't phase me one bit. As far as vaccinations, yes, I do have a problem with not vaccinating your child. When your actions put MY child at risk for something (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, etc) that he wouldn't otherwise have to deal with, yeah, I get annoying.
-I invite any of you to refer back to the original post from April, entitled, "I've been thinking. Again." This was written at a time where people who deviated from the "norm" (which is fine, so lay off), were up in my action about my parenting choices. Being that my blog IS.MY.JOURNAL., I chose to remember my experiences, and how I felt about these issues at this time in my life. If you actually read this blog, you'll see very clearly, that I stated that there were multiple times (belly sleeping, breastfeeding, and circumcising) where we either deviated from the norm (sleep him on belly, and didn't breastfeed), or did the "norm", and I clearly stated that it was awful (circ.)
-It makes me mad that you are twisting my words around. It makes me even more mad that you're telling me how I feel, or how I went about things, when clearly, you don't know jack. I couldn't agree with Mindy more, when she said, "Just because you read my blog, doesn't mean you know me" You don't know me. I wish wish wish that you would come out of the closet, and let me know who you are, not so I could ream you- I already did that, but so you could see me, having the courage to tell people like you, that I don't have room in my life for you.
-Am I sitting at home stewing about this? No. I have a lot of beautiful in my life. (minus the rain today, that kind of sucks.) I don't need to dwell on this, and I'm only angry because I feel like people aren't LISTENING to what I'm trying to say. That ticks me off.
-Yes, anonymous is very much entitled to their own opinion. I would have had much more respect for you a- had you not been so disrespectful on my blog (don't wear dirty shoes in my house), and b-come out with who you are. Just don't TELL me what my opinion is- especially when you have portions of it wrong.
-Ok. I don't know if you're a member of my church or not, but I have no clue on earth how you decided to make my blog the proud winner of "judgmental, non-Christlike Blog of the Year". Weird. If I have not made it very evident in my writing how deeply grateful I am for the beautiful blessings in my life, then I need to do some re-evaluating.
-I think I've said all I need to say. I've loved all of the conversation this post has generated. Yes, we are all entitled to our opinion. I've owned up to mine-now it's your turn.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Posted by
6:03 PM
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2 words - you're awesome!
Wow - this is all very intense. I agree with Janet from the previous post - agree to disagree! There is no law or fact saying how to go through life making choices (specifically the ones from your April post). I don't even know how you can have an opinion on something (epidural vs. not, nursing, tummy sleeping, home births - we all know the list by now) when you haven't been placed in the situation.
Glad you stand up for what you believe in, and your opinions. I agree with you on home births, I don't think they are safe at all. I will express my opinion calmly about vaccinations though.
I am all for them, however I don't feel it is necessary to pump a brand new baby full of them. I waited until my frist daughter was a year old before I did vaccinations, and then waited until my second daughter was 4 months old. If we choose to have another child I will wait until 4 months of age again. That is all...just my opinion. I have nothing against anyone who wants to vaccinate their babies right away, or against those who don't at all.
Thanks for the fun discussion! ;)
Very exciting!!
I wanna share my opinions... Maybe anonymous can get on my case too.
I can't breastfeed (the boobs just don't work) and if I hear another woman telling me that I just haven't tried hard enough or that I am harming my children by feeding them formula, I will scream. My boys are perfectly healthy.
I also can't agree with a home birth- not fair to the baby. My brother (a doctor) can cite too many home births going wrong needlessly because the facilities weren't available to save the mom and/or baby. You don't hear too many cases of the reverse happening. I like to keep the odds in my and my baby's favor.
More power to any woman who wants to do birth without any medication. Just so long as she doesn't criticize my choice to do it with medication.
Oooo yeah. I love a blog fight. I'll hold her while you kick her in the crotch and run away.
Way to go toe to toe, except anon is too chicken to respond! Keep telling your story Anne...I love it!
cage match!
cage match!
cage match! (start chanting)
thanks for coming over tonight to bear witness to my naughty children. I am not even kidding.
I echo Ilene 100%. :) Ya know what really gets me is the cowardly attitude of this 'miss anonymous'. Did i spell that wrong?? Crap, now you're gonna get more hate comments cus my spelling sucks. Well "srcew yuo aonomuos"! :) Moving on...i love the way you express yourself. I admire your opinion and would be scared poopless if i were 'miss i'm too immature and selfish to leave my name". Hmph. It pisses me off.
Your blog rocks miss thang. And i'm REDICULOUSLY excited to see you in July. :) I'll be out of town until the 7th but then i'm good!
Wow Anne, it's been awhile since I've read your blog and it looks like you started quite the conversation! :) Good for you to express you opinions, it is your blog afterall! I love reading what's on your mind... and all about HAL. He is so cute and getting sooo big!
I have to admit though, I'm a little nervous that someone might think 'anonymous' was me (maybe I'm just paranoid!)... it's NOT! Although I do homebirth, I also vaccinate and circumcise. And I FIRMLY believe everyone has a right to choose their own path... whatever that might be.
Keep on posting your opinions AND cute pictures of Hazen... one can never get enough of those. :)
Apparently you changed your phone number. I was working out a get together with you and Paige. She has the flu so it's a no-go for this weekend.
In other news, you're hilarious. I went and re-read your April post for the first time. I am mad I missed it when you originally posted... but I had a brand new baby at the time.
By telling anonymous to "grow a pair" do you think the writer is male? Or am I taking things to literally?
sign us up for Bear Lake...
we'll bring a boat. i'm being serious.
I deleted the sensitive info (your number) from my blog.
it was me. i made the anonymous comment.
i felt bad for you because you said your blog was only popular when your baby was sick.
now look how popular you are!
you're welcome.
um, i was kidding. just for the record, it wasn't me.
I am wondering why people have homebirths? Granted my home has better decorations and is much cuter but I don't really know about being sanitary. I clean it every now and then but I don't always wash my sheets as much as I should. So I will probably stick with the hospital.
I don't know where to start - my gosh - isn't it amazing how much time people will waste ranting about things they don't even know about? Totally dumbfounded... that is me.
Heard it is warming up where you guys are, so exciting for you. We miss you guys here in Nor. Cal.
By the way I think you are completely awesome!
^^ I also vaccinate and circumcise. And I FIRMLY believe everyone has a right to choose their own path ^^
- - - - -
Everyone except the boy whose penis is now missing half the sensual nerve endings, that is.
Let's see what cause can I endorse?
-Save the trees...nah
-Free Tibet...nah
-Sweatshops in China...nah
I've got it. I will raid complete strangers blogs and advocate for skin.
Tugger go tug in the privacy of your own blog.
I just wanted to say I linked to your blog from another friends and I enjoy reading yours about your family and your life :)As blogs are our feelings about our lives.
However unfortunate as it is breastfeeding is not the norm. That comment irks me. For whatever reason it may be the majority of our society chooses not to
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