Today, I found THIS little doozy of a comment on a blog from like, a month and a half ago. Please, read, and then we will discuss:
Wow, do you all realize how hypocritical you're being? Honestly. I don't have kids, so maybe it's easier for me to be objective about this, but think through these things people.
"God wouldn't have invented the epidural if he didn't want me to get one." Do I even need to comment on this? Come on. God made people. People made epidurals. God made people that are sociopaths. Does that mean He wanted that man to kill the kid next door? No. He wants us to make our own decisions, while consulting Him. Did you consult Him about the epidural? If you really strove to know if God wanted you to have one, great, but does that mean He wants everyone to have one? No. People get to make their own decisions, including the people who didn't get an epidural.
"in a hospital (where a baby SHOULD be born!)...psycos."
"Another, psyco." "It is OK that people do things differently" First of all, learn to spell. Second of all, do you even SEE what it is you're writing? If you really believed it was OK for people to do things differently wouldn't you not be calling them psychos? You didn't say, "They were yelling at me that I was killing my child by not vaccinating them," that might be considered a psycho. You called anyone who doesn't vaccinate a psycho. If you don't want other people to tell you what to do with your child do you have the right to tell them what to do with theirs?
If you found out a good friend had her baby at home would you think she was a psycho, even if she didn't push it on you and you heard from someone else? If you found out a good friend didn't vaccinate her 4 year old, would you call her crazy and refuse to respect her decision?
It doesn't sound like most of you are respecting people's "crazy habits." So please don't profess to be some kind of a tolerant saint.
"I think it's great when people have there own opinions and then don't try to convince others that they have they only correct way of doing things." No, you think it's great when people have YOUR opinion.
You say it's great that people researched these things out. Does that mean you didn't? I understand that these things aren't for everyone, or even the majority, but does that make them wrong? Does that make them right?
"judgmental people tick me off."'re not being judgmental then?
Many of you are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm sure many of you have 'bible-bashed' before. You strongly believe in your religion and want to share it with others. People who believe in not circumcising or not having an epidural or not vaccinating or whatever don't want you to choose their way because they're narcissistic. They truly believe what they're doing is right and would feel guilty if they didn't at least share what they believe (like you with your religion). Many of them just can't control their emotions as we all know things pertaining to birth and raising children are highly emotional and personal.
One more thing, there ARE people who read this blog that do many of the things you are all blaspheming. Do you not care about the feelings of your friends? Just because we have the internet now people think they can let loose and say whatever they want and it doesn't matter because it's not face to face. Would you say these things to someones face? If not, save it for a real journal. If you have a hard time writing in a real journal, type it up.
Yes, anonymous, I told you to grow a pair. If you don't have the guts to tell me these things to my face, then don't waste my time. Congrats, you are the first lame "grumpy comment" I've ever received on my blog.
I do believe, that many of the things you ranted at me about are from comments made about this post. Don't come at me because of it- we are all entitled to our own opinions, and because some were stated in a way that you don't agree with, don't kill the messenger....
HOWEVER, there were a few things that you wrote in direct correspondence to my own words, and I will respond to those. You obviously know very little about me. You started off by stating that you don't have kids of your own. Exactly. Pipe down for a few years until you can be more objective about some of these things. I clearly stated that things didn't go how I thought they would, and this is my keeping record of some of the experiences I've had. Yeah, I did pray to Him about my entire labor, namely that I would have a healthy one, and neither I or my baby would be at serious risk for death. Obviously, that wasn't in His plan. Am I bitter? Not even a little- I learned so much, about myself, my Father in Heaven, and the sanctity of life.
I don't know who you are, but I will say this much: if we are friends, and you had the audacity to challenge me for my views on home birth, we are done. How dare you tell me that my feelings on these topics aren't well thought out, after what my little family has been through. I say I don't judge, well, sometimes I do. I'm judging you, for being a close-minded little prick. Who do you think you are to get on someone's case for doing the best they could in the horrific situation they were placed in. Life needs to give you a slice of humble pie, little buddy, because I'm positive you wouldn't be so aghast that I've formed very strong opinions after the year we've had. I live with proof of a living miracle, and I will do anything to protect it. Telling me to not blog my feelings? Bite me.
**PS- Those spelling mistakes were not mine. Don't be messing with my spelling, yo.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dear Anonymous: Grow a Pair
Posted by
3:54 PM
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hiss hiss. (that was Abbie doing it for you)
Seriously, get out of my kitchen if my cookin' stinks.
Lucky. I've never had a nasty comment. So you must be super cool.
Wow, this is really your first rude anonymous comment? How come I attract mean anonymous people all the time? I still have crazy Twilight fans calling me obsessed because I said I didn't like Bella ONCE like MONTHS ago. I just always wonder who takes the time to comment something that long and then not take credit for it. Lame. Sorry.
Anonymous- reading someone's blog doesn't mean you know them. Let me give you some advice: if it bothers you so much, don't read it. Brilliant, right?
Holy Cow...I can't believe someone wrote that to you. I don't understand that. Why do they read your blog if they don't like what they read. No one is forcing them too...
Guess what you DO get to write whatever you want. That is the beauty of a blog. I have the same responses from my political posts sometimes and even if they are not expressing it I know they are thinking it. If a person does not agree with what you blog about then they have the option to not read your blog. No one is forcing them to read your small piece of the internet. If people actually knew how much courage it took to share your feelings and make the choices you have to make they would keep their mouths shut. Anyone who does NOT have kids like your accuser has no right to judge the decisions you make. Keep up the good work and never be afraid to speak your mind!
Who does Emily think she is not liking Bella?!
Is it because Bella is immature, in a super emotionally abusive relationship, or because she is fickle?
I'm almost there in figuring out who anonymous is. heh heh heh.
then I'm going to be TPing. wanna come?
I'm still trying to figure out where anonymous got all of those quotes from.... I didn't see any of those lines either in your post or the comments left after it.
Way to let em have it Anne, I think your great, and I really loved that you called anonymous a "prick." I agree if your going to post on someone's blog, especially something like that then at least have the guts to put your name. I'm glad you wrote what you did, I wanted to start cheering for you as I read!
Have you been saving that one up or what?
Definitely most exciting post of the day (with your BC post, you are really raking in the ratings!)
Wow!! I think you have the right to say whatever you want on YOUR blog...nuff said!
Lindsey J
Sheesh. Let's be detectives and figure out who this punk is. I have my ideas...
I want to hear who everyone thinks this was...
Anne, I've been a long-time silent reader of your blog. You are poignant, interesting, funny and opinionated...everything that makes a blog captivating to read. Although I have some differing views on childbirth (for now anyway, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!), I can't imagine being verbally abusive as this person has. I'm sorry people feel the need to "put you in your place". Honestly, it just makes them look terribly insecure and sad, and only makes me more interested in reading your blog about young motherhood. Brava, Anne, Brava! :)
Ugh. That was so painful to read. I lost track of what they were trying to say so many times I just...bahh...I couldn't stay interested. If they were going to spend that much time bashing on your post couldn't they have at least written it a bit clearer?
I stopped listening to the "anonymous" people of the world after I went to my first jury duty. I realized that a grouping of my-so-called "peers" really scared the poop out of me.
I wish I knew what it was they were hoping for. It certainly wasn't to change anyone's mind. And it wasn't very logical.
One thing I wasn't clear on though...what does "grow a pair" mean?
Wow. I can't believe this! I would like to say that I didn't need to pray about getting an epidural any more than I need to pray about whether or not to use running water and electricity everyday. Epidurals rock. And Anne, you rock too.
Goodness gracious, anonymous! What happen to freedom of speech, especially from the comfort of their own blog? That person has way too much spare time on their hands. What a jerk. they are entitled to their opinion, but what's the point in sharing when it's that nasty? (Especially when they don't man-up and put their name to it) I'm glad you didn't back down!
Hi Anne Lee-
This is Stephanie's husband, Andrew. I'd just like to add that your sackless friend obviously has some issues about religion. Talk about such a lame excuse and means to ultimately start attacking LDS culture (because I'm pretty sure the author is LDS also). Also, thanks for entertaining my wife with your blog.
What a jerk. Please please please tell us who it is if you ever find out!
Seriously, seriously, seriously. Think about how much time and energy went into that comment and how many children died from malaria during that time or starved to death or how many more people were diagnosed with HIV or put up for adoption - the mind reels at the loss of valuable time, at the sheer senselessness of such idiotic, unsubstantiated, utterly atrocious ridiculousness. Grow a pair indeed!!
I agree with Mindy. It is a choice we all make to read someone's blog or not. everyone has a right to think they want to think and they can express it however they want. Once again no one has to read it. If you are someone that she knows and she has upset you be big enough to tell her and let her explain herself to you. Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves nothing; and makes you walk funny
WOW...that anonymous whore quoted like three things i said. I'm so sorry Anne that such narrow minded people have infringed their pathetic little -no self esteem- thoughts on you. That post rocked and i agreed whole heartedly with EVERYTHING you said. The stupid *no name* has never had kids probably because she's too damn selfish and incapable of thinking of others rather than herself.
Now in MY defense to the little nitwit...i SAID FROM THE BEGINNING to be prepared for my spelling. I will openly admit i'm a terrible speller! And falling down the stairs and having a 200 lb table land on me that night didn't help any. And for the record...i would not take back ONE THING i said, because i meant it all. When YOU (Anonymous) have children then MAYBE you can enter the blogging world of Anne Lee...or just enter the world of humilty PERIOD, but until then stay the heck away from her! You're so big and bad with your good spelling and your uneducated opinions on child rearing, but you can't even leave your name. Boooo. You should be ashamed of yourself. Anne is the strongest mother i've ever met and your 'comment' made you look beyond pathetic.
I'm sorry Anne that my comment encouraged this crazy to say such mean things to you. I just love you and admire you so much, i hope you know that.
(Ya know...i just told Seth the situation and we wouldn't be surprised if Miss Anonymous was my husband's crazy ex-girlfriend blog hopping. Everyone hates her blog and she's a miserable self centered brat. Wouldn't be surprised. :)
Once again...i'm SO sorry Anne.
How well does this person really know you? Obviously not all that well, given that you had a C-SECTION, HELLO!!!! And for my part, I can tell you that by the time I wanted the epidural, I was NOT ABOUT to take the time to get down on my knees and pray about it. I think Heavenly Father trusts our judgment with some decisions.
Oh yeah, and so, what was that a few weeks ago about noticing a drastic reduction in the number of comments you get, little-miss 20-something comments??
I love you!
for the record, if I had a friend that did home birth and had nasty placenta all over her bathtub, I would call her a psycho to her face. but that's just me.
i'm sorry, but i'm laughing so hard i can't sit up straight. the last time i called someone a prick i think i was 15.
i agree with some of your points, i agree with some of anonymous's points. the one thing that i can't handle is the anonymity. there are times and places for anonymity... but if you are going to totally ream someone for something they said, you need to make yourself known.
it's courageous to have a strong opinion, it's cowardly to express it anonymously.
I am really quite amazed at all of this.... I do have a child and I didn't have an epidural.... because I am against them? No. Because I never got to the point where I felt that I needed one.... I do have a friend who has three kids and has had 2 epidurals. great. We all go through lifes experiences with our own understanding of the way things should and can be done.... I have a friend that chose to have her baby at home, there were complications and the baby only lived a few short weeks in the hospital... I know a lady that has had all 7 of her kids at home.... there was a lady that was in the new that was having her first child at the hospital and had an epidural... they did something that they shouldnt have and to make a long story short she died the next morning after her first child was born.......... I know a child that died in a car accident 3 days after being born.... 2 of my brothers are circumsied 2 are not.... I could go on and on and on..... There is not one right way to do these things... its up to every one to do what feels right for them and no one else.
You know what else I know??? We all have the same loving Father in Heaven, who loves us all equally, and gives us all the opportunity to go through this life and make decisions and live with and learn from those decisions that we and those around us chose to make. There is a very specific purpose for what happens in our lives. We are all expected to Love One Another and do what we can to help those around us.
--- I have never commented on a blog before but I had to put my two cents worth on this one....
Totally with Andrea on this one. I don't think people should express opinions anonymously.
Fun for you though! ;)
Um... first let me say... HELLO!!! "Anonymous" sure had a lot to say. I'm all for having opinions and being able to express them. We live in a country where we have that right. There have been thousands who have died throughout the history of this country so that we could have that right. To take that from someone would be the equivalent of spitting on the graves of those men and women who gave their lives. Hmmm... I think I'm being a little melodramatic here, but I'm trying to make a point. Anne, you have every right to how you feel about opinionated people, epidurals, breast feeding, tummy sleeping, etc. And you have every right to post it on the World Wide Web for all to see. It is your blog after all. With that said, "Anonymous" has every right to his/her opinion as well, although a friendlier tone would have been nice. (DISCLAIMER: The “friendlier tone” comment is my opinion.) And in response, Anne you have every right to tell "Anonymous" to "grow a pair". (I thought that was hilarious by the way!). That's one of the many things I admire about you, Anne, you are not afraid to express your opinions.
So while I'm all for opinions and expressing them I also think it's important to remember that opinions are just that... OPINIONS. One of my favorite sayings is, "Agree to disagree." For many things there is not always a "right way" and a "wrong way". There are just "different ways". But unfortunately there are people out there who feel so strongly about something that they forget that their way is not the only way. Honestly, I think everyone of us has had times like this. We are all human after all.
I will say that I do agree with some of the things “Anonymous” said. But then again this is my opinion and it is not to say that I am putting down anyone that shares different opinions that I do. I’m just sharing mine. I agree that God wants us to make our own decisions, while turning to Him for guidance. I know people that ask about the simplest things while others only the larger things. If someone wants to pray about an epidural, then so be it. But if they don’t, it doesn’t mean they are bad for choosing to do it or not to do it without first consulting Heavenly Father. We are all individuals and our relationship with our Heavenly Father is so deeply personal that it doesn’t matter to anyone else how, why or when we consult with Him. As for having an epidural... I’m all for it. BRING IT ON!!!
I have to say I was a little lost as to “Anonymous’” statement – “does that mean He wants everyone to have one? No. People get to make their own decision, including the people who didn’t get an epidural.” From reading the original post and the comments I didn’t see anywhere where anyone was putting people down for not wanting to get an epidural. People were just defending their decision for choosing to have one because there are intolerant people out there looking down at those who choose to have epidurals. Don’t get me started on intolerant people or people who claim to be liberal but are so close minded they can’t see the black spot on their nose. I have a friend who was ridiculed at Costco once for overpopulating the earth. She only had 2 kids at the time.
Speaking of tolerance, I think “Anonymous” makes a point. I think we can be more tolerant of certain things if those we love and care about choose/belief/are those certain things. Maybe we wouldn’t think people are crazy if it were our best friend choosing it. And yet, maybe we still would. Isn’t that the great thing about having opinions? But at the same time “Anonymous” started out the comment by calling everyone a hypocrite for everyone’s seemingly intolerance of opinions different from their own but has the same intolerance for those opinions different from his/her own. Where is “Anonymous’” respect for the opinions expressed in the blog? Also interesting is “Anonymous’” opinion of saying things to people’s faces, but yet commenting about the blog anonymously. Part of me can see why he/she chose to. Look at the backlash he/she got for expressing his/her opinion?
Now here’s a question… How in the world do you “bible-bash” birth plans? Maybe I’m taking “bible-bash” too literally, but I have this funny picture in my head of all these uppity women sitting around with their scriptures open condemning each other to hell for how they want to give birth. Does that really happen? If it does… never mind. I won’t even go there.
And to the person who misspelled “psycho”… you sure got rung through the ringer. Heaven forbid anyone should make a spelling mistake. I, too, am a horrible speller and all I can say is thank goodness for Spell Check. The only way I get it right is because a little, red, squiggly line shows up under a word I have misspelled and all I need to do is right click and pick the right one.
Well, I did not mean to make this my Master’s Thesis. If you have read through it all and got to this point, I wish I could give you a monetary prize. Thank you for reading. And once again… my disclaimer: THIS IS ALL MY OPINION. And if you have an opinion to what I wrote, I welcome it.
I found a typo in my comment!!! Heaven help me!!!
Zang, baby!!
Oh the passion! Amen to all that you said. What post did they leave that comment on?
You rock. Like Heather, I'm still waiting for my first nasty comment. I'll probably cry for a week and then delete my entire blog - I am so sensitive that way!
As for the epidural issue... it's totally a personal decision. I was criticized for my choice to have one. But I'm semi curious about having a baby all natural...we'll see next time around!
what are you doing friday night?
After more thought, there are times when commenting anonymously is important. Such as when writing your name can get you in legal or physical harm in places where speech is not free, or representing a whole as an anonymous voice.
In a personal attack like this, anonymous is never an option. It's like a drive-by shooting. The whole act is cowardly because it is designed with running away in mind. Running away from the act, running away from the humanistic side of making a personal connection, and running away from the responsibilities that come with bashing someone.
If they had signed their name, I feel as though, (and the old adage applies) I might not agree with them, but I'd agree with their right to say it. At the very least, if they signed they are willing to open up a dialogue, although poorly initiated.
Without a name though, the intent is all to clear--instigation. Come on back and leave a name, anonymous. If you're so passionate, I'm sure you're willing to defend your beliefs, right?
I love a blog brawl!! You go girl!!
When I read anonymous comment it made me so furious!!! I totally agree with what you said Anne, I can't imagine what your labor was like, but I know what mine was like and how my delivery went. Anyone who hasn't been through it can kiss my butt to tell me not to get an epidural. I had to have one because I was having a c-section, but even if I wasn't there is no way I'm going through that pain again!!! Whoever anonymous is should wait until they have gone through this process before they comment on ANYTHING anyone with kids says. I definitely agree that if someone is going to rag on you like that they should at least have the guts to do it to your face...or at least put who it is instead of anonymous!! Thanks for posting a response to that comment...I love reading your blog!!!
Wow. I actually feel really embarrassed for Anonymous after reading his/her comments. I recommend that he/she take a course in logic before spewing their opinion all over someone's blog again.
However, I would like to thank Anonymous for clearing up the little matter of God inventing the epidural. Obviously, when I wrote that I was under the impression that God Himself came down, concocted the epidural in a lab and handed it to the nearest OBGYN. Imagine my surprise when Anonymous kindly pointed out that PEOPLE actually invented the epidural!
'"God wouldn't have invented the epidural if he didn't want me to get one." Do I even need to comment on this?' No, Anonymous, you don't. At least not until you can grasp the more subtle parts of the English language (humor, sarcasm, etc.).
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