Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Tomorrow, this little darling has his consultation with the ENT for his messed up ears. The real reason I wanted to post was just to assure you all that he's still cute.

He looked real cute today. I forgot to take a picture. I might have to dress him in the same outfit again.

Jason only has 7 more days of POST. We couldn't be any happier! Soon, he will return to working only 3 or 4 days a week. This is great, but I'm slightly nervous about the mutiny that this will wreak upon our schedule.

I don't know how excited he will be with my telling everyone this, but we could use prayers, so I'll inform you all! Jason tested for the Salt Lake City Fire Department about 3 weeks ago. He was there will about 1500 of his closest friends. We just got a letter from the FD informing him that he is among the top 167 people that tested. He gets to go on to the next round of testing on June 11. If he passes that, then he gets to take the physical test, which he's actually already passed! So, say your little prayers that he does well. Even if it doesn't pan out, we're still so excited for him, because this is the first time he's ever tested, and he did really well. What a stud I married!


Linsey said...

sending up prayers right now!

Linsey said...

both for your stud and your babe!

the wrath of khandrea said...

um, the overly cautious parent in me feels the need to point out that your baby is CHEWING ON ELECTRICAL WIRES...

diane said...

That boy is a babe!

Aubrey said...

good luck to jason. Also, I ran the carnie idea by my jason and he admitted a long love for all things corn dog and cotton candy, so it might just be the best suggestion yet.

Aubrey said...

We happen to be in the market as well. So, we should probably all get together. (wow, that could totally be taken that I am petitioning you for some sort of night of swinging. I assure you, I'm not.)

and I might add that its also a plus that you guys "get" the FD mentality and sometimes life's schedule really blows.

Might you be at the breakfast this saturday? You should come Friday night for ye olde "set up party" too. Its kinda fun and kinda lame, but a lot of the wives come and hang out. Except sometimes I feel none of them get my sarcasm and wit and I have a rumbling in my tumbly that you just might.

Mandi said...

oh we will definitely be praying for your little family! I hope everything goes well! I know this is his dream!!

Brandi Lyn said...

Oh firefighters are so hot. ;)

We will keep you both in our prayers. How exciting for him!!

Please either blog or let me know what happens with little Hazen tomorrow!

Hazen5 said...

Yay Jason, I think the tie worked! That's why you are at the top! Good luck, but you don't need it!

Janet Lee said...

You've got the entire Lee Clan praying for our brother/son/uncle Jason!!!

Paige said...

I am so happy to always know that Hazen is still cute. :) Not that I ever have reason to doubt it!

Good luck to Jason, he will do awesome!

heidiram said...

Updates updates! Let me know what the ENT said. And congrats to Jason!

Grandma Turtle said...

We all take turns receiving a Miracle. I hope it's your turn tomorrow while at the Dr.'s office.

queenieweenie said...

of course he's still cute! how could he not be. About the hair...i sported Michael Jackson hairs along my hairline everytime after I had a baby. It's the curse of being blonde!

Ashley Clark said...

Yeah for ENTs and firefighters!