Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blasphemous Confession

Blogapalooza is tomorrow night. I've been excited about it. Until today. Maybe it's the craptastic weather we're having. Maybe it's the fact that due to my husband's schedule, I'm going to be the only one with a baby there. Maybe it's the fact that since we don't have lots of disposable funds to be used at my discretion, I didn't get the new outfit, eyebrow wax and pedicure that I wanted. Maybe it's the fact that I have yet to deal with my door prize. Whatever it is, please, get me pumped!!!


Linsey said...

Don't worry about the lack of discretionary funds. The upside to bringing your baby is that all attention will be focused on him and not your eyebrows and how much they may or may not need to be waxed!!

Unknown said...

I don't know if this helps... I always go to bon losee and get my eyebrows waxed for $6. Not baby...

Heather said...

I don't think $6 dolla dolla bill yas is worth the potential problem at the bon. If you had 8 we could go to Mandalyn but alas.

Craptastic!!! that's what.

Friday anyone? Payday?

Fact:Bears eat beets said...

You live close enough that you can get the life size doll of Cosmo later. Hitch a ride. What do you need money for? You already paid for those tickets...right?

Ashley Clark said...

I hear BYU Catering is doing the food. Yum-O!

Brandi Lyn said...

Am i a RETARD? What's blogapalooza??

D and J Larson said...

what is that?

Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Ok, now I feel bad. Email your address and you can be invited and part of the super-cool, super exclusive club!

Kimberly said...

You are totally darling and I'm glad we got to meet! I hope I get to play with you and your sis soon. And I hope the miracles keep coming (if needed!) for your darling little HAL. He is SO cute. Talk to you soon!

Jenna Harris said...

See, Anne, it was nothing to worry about. I had to bring my baby, too. That was cool.

I just had a thought for you on raising your comments. Just like when your baby was sick, tell everybody "check my blog" when they say "how are you."

See. Never ending good ideas.

It was awesome to meet you. Don't know how you know the Eyrings, but I know them, too! Maybe through my BIL. Heather says she knows my BIL Nathan Wood.