So, this post might offend some, but it's my blog, and so I'm entitled to my thoughts.
You know what I hate?
People who believe that since they have strong opinions about things, naturally you should share this opinion. I think this is brought out the MOST in the birthing process of children. Just to clear the air, the particular occurances of which I am speaking come from people who don't read/comment on my blog, so calm down, I'm not talking about you.
I respect those who have researched things out. I think that's great- I'm so glad that you have done what felt right for you. HOWEVER, just because I don't feel the same way, please don't talk down, and please, stop "bible-bashing" your birth plan to the rest of us! ENOUGH ALREADY!!
Epidurals: Medicine is here for a reason. Am I "strong enough" to have a baby naturally? Probably, yes. Do I want to? Absolutely not. So don't try to tell otherwise. My body, my decision. (And no, I'm not pregnant)
Breast Feeding: Is it the best option? You betcha. But if I read ONE MORE FRIGGIN' pamphlet telling me that Hazen is going to be allergic to everything, sick all of the time (ok, you got me there), or not be bonded to his mother, I might just set something on fire. (Mother's Touch Lactation....better watch YO self. I pumped without fail 8 times a day for the entire 2 months Hazen was in the hospital. I probably missed 6-7 pumps TOTAL the entire time. I wanted to keep my milk up for when he came home. However, he came home. And I fear that him not doing any type of eating (other than what was given to him via tube feeding) did irreparable damage, and he was unable to nurse. We were both very unhappy, and due to all of the nursing paraphernalia, I felt like a failure of a mother. But guess what? I tried. I did my best, and yes, my kid gets sick all of the time, but guess what else? He knows and loves his mommy, and I believe he knows she does the best she can. So shove it.
Circumcision: Guess what- I left this one to Jason. Please don't let this be TMI, but I've never seen it the other way, so I didn't really care. I've read Anti-Circ stuff, and guess what else? IT WAS HORRIBLE! I've never been so angry with myself for inflicting pain on my baby, but, when it's all said and done, he's fine, and, in the words of Dr. Lauret, "Man, that's a great looking circ." Hey, Hazen in the future, if you're ticked at your dad's decision, take it up with him. And for the record- for future sons, I told Jason if he wants it done again, fine, but I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. I'm going to Heather's. You can deal with the screaming baby in the middle of the night.
Sleeping on Tummy: I know that the numbers for SIDS can't be argued with since we've taken to sleeping our babies on their backs. However, my Dr weighed two options in his hands: 1- Mom and Dad would kill their little boy because he didn't. OR 2- Sleep Hazen on his belly, "set the apnea monitor, and pray to whomever it is that you pray to that your baby will be ok" (Funny that we found the only non-member Pediatrician in all of Utah Valley. He's so great though!!!) Guess what? He's not dead. And he sleeps. And I love my baby exponentially more now because of it. So stop giving me THAT look, mmkay?
Midwives: If you're going to get ticked off, just skip over this part. I think it's great that some people research out a birthing plan, etc, and decide to do home-births (which I think is absolutely nuts, but that's just my opinion), but that's for you to do, and it's not for me. There is no way in heck Hazen would have made it had we decided to do something like this (I know, I know, A Midwife wouldn't let me deliver at home at 31 weeks), but I think there is value in Western Medicine, so let me enjoy that, ok? I like my OB/GYN who still calls me Ann. I like hospitals, and I like the assurance that there ain't gonna be no after-birth on my $2,000 mattress.
Vaccinations: I will do it. I find it irresponsible not to. End of story. If you have a problem with that, save it- I will NOT knowingly give my child to "opportunity" to contract certain illnesses. He's been through enough already. Someone debate me. I dare you.
I just feel like Politics and Child Birth can bring out the ugly in people. I'll let you do it your way, and you just sit back and let me do it mine.
And furthermore- I was told on Saturday that since Hazen was a Premie, he's basically relegated to Autism. I've been annoyed about it ever since. Thanks, as if I don't have enough things to worry about...I really appreciate you diagnosing my child. That is it.
See, being a mom hasn't made me completely devoid of thoughts! They're just thoughts about kids now, as opposed to thoughts about Finances and Insurance and Real Estate, but I assure you, my mind is no less challenged each day.
Oh, and Last thing: I need to renew my Subscription to Parenting, but with it comes a free one-year Subscription. Heather doesn't want it, because she knows everything about raising kids, so first person to comment about wanting it gets it!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I've been thinking. Again.
Posted by
11:38 AM
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OK I changed my mind. I want it.
Too late. You missed your chance. Your ship has sailed.
I am SO right there with you about all the birthing stuff.
When people get in my bidness about how I was birthin' my babies I'm always sort of shocked that people care. I LOVED my obgyn (who was MINE before Anne's thankyouverymuch).
I'm all wha wha Whart?
As long as you don't have your baby ON MY floor or MY bed knock yourself out.
give me the f'ing subscription.
One week of not teaching seminary and look what happens.
Parenting Magazine would teach you that swearing around your children is a bad choice.
Yeah, you haven't been teaching Seminary for a week, but, correct me if I'm wrong you were a Primary President 3 days ago. Zing.
Remember the time Jason said Mother F'er? Man that was funny.
Anne, I love your venting posts, and I love that you have an opinion. I think I need to try one of these because they're therapeutic. Maybe I'll write about my lovely, brother-in-law, Jeff?
But first I'll have him sign a confidentiality agreement that I can use his first name on the internet, because someone might kidnap his kid.
I know a whole apartment of guys where they were all preemies/spent time in the NICU. The one born with an APGAR of 1 has an IQ of 132. Don't worry about it.
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. And it seems I have had numerous conversations about each of these topics.
You vaccinate? What about Autism?
You circumcised? (Accompanied by a strange look)
You got the Epidural?
Thanks for saying what I wish I had!
P.S. You see Dr. Lauret? He was my pediatrician when I was a kid, and he family used to live in my ward... long story.
Call me sometime.
Whoo! My heart is racing at an abnormally high rate right now. I agree with everything you said, but just knowing what has been said to you & other women about these personal choices just gets me going. :) The only thing I haven't been good about is a flu shot, I just think they are bogus. This year, when I have 2 kids I will get them but in the past 6 years I have been fine without them. Just thinking of going to nursery & all the germs that are spread might convince me. :) However...
Epidural - got one
Nursing - Total failure after 6 weeks
Circumcision - I don't have a boy, but I assume we will be dealing with one in 3 months.
Sleeping on tummy - Once Polly could roll over, there was no other way.
Midwives - Never even CROSSED my mind. I love my Dr.
Vaccinations - Like I said, the only one I have missed is a flu shot - if that even counts?
Giving advice & opinions is great if the person asked for it... that's how I feel. You GO girl!
I'll take the subscription if Heather gives in. I know, my chances are slim, but I am like the 11th comment here - I thought I had no chance to begin with!
P.S. I also want to mention that I learn a ton from your blogs. They aren't always personal, political, "day in the life," or predictable. Just by reading your "thoughts," makes me think all day long - & not just because I usually agree with you, even though I do. You're cute & smart.
I too enjoy a good venting post now and then. Your's are especially entertaining and informative. To me the most annoying thing in the world is people giving advice when advice is not asked for. Telling you how you should do something. Like Parenting. I can only imagine how irritating it would be to get parental "advice" from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Great post!
Before we decided to vaccinate Lizzy, I asked her doc about a graph I'd seen that compared the rise of autism with the rise of vaccinations (they have skyrocketed in tandem since WWII). She said that yes, autism and vaccinations have become more prominent at the same rates -- but what other environmental factors have become more prominent at that same rate? The point is -- you can't look at the (alleged) autism-vaccine connection in a vacuum. There are other factors at work, and I'm pretty much convinced that vaccines don't cause autism.
Whoever told you that Hazen would be autistic is a total poo-poo head.
I think I already commented once that I hate when people (friends, relatives or strangers) think they should parent my kid.
And, although, I do have strong opinions, I'm always amazed at people who will totally tell other people what to do, cause I'm just not like that.
Another one: people who don't find out what they are having, and seriously try to convince you that you shouldn't either. LIke it's a gospel principle or something?
I know how you feel...I respect your opinions and I'm glad you've said it!! As for Hazen and Autism, it isn't a certainty that he'll have it, no one can say either way he will or won't...and trust me I know how frustrating it is to have doctors tell you something horrible is going to happen. My best advice, that everyone has been telling me is...take it one day at a time, no matter what, you have a wonderful son!!! I'm sorry people get so opinionated and I hope Hazen is feeling better...Please know you, Jason and Hazen are in my prayers. Thank you for all your support through everything I've been going through!!
Birthing at home? A big no thank you here.
The circumcision thing though,I am a BIG fan of. As an RN who has put many a urinary catheter in elderly men, I can tell you know, he will be very happy down the road having been circumcised. Very happy indeed.
Great post Anne. I just had to comment because having ad 3 boys in the NICU for at least 3 weeks each, I can relate! And, now that we homeschool, there are lots of kooky ideas floating around that community about birthing and immunizing.
My experience:
Epidural - Got one with first 2 and emergency c-sections with last 2. (Never would have lasted at home!)
nursing- Did fine with 3 and like Hazen, Jack had too much exposure to the feeding tube to be able to breastfeed. No big deal. He's healthy and we're super close.
Circumcision- none. Like father like sons (a European thing)
tummy sleeping - with Jack with apnea monitor
Immunizations- absolutely! All Updated.
As far as autism, if preemies are more susceptible, I've got 2 to worry about. But, I'm not at all worried. Too many other things to do than worry about something I have no control over.
Thanks for the great post! Our kids are what we are most passionate about and they bring out our strongest feelings.
There are so many daily decisions when raising babies/children/families. Just keep on doing your're doing great!
Well I had a midwife this past birth and I forgot to write you to tell you that you should have done it. Then I would have been included in this post. But I didn't, so I guess I"m safe.
See ya all in a few weeks!!
I totally think that you should write for a magazine or a newspaper or something. You're extremely witty. I loved everything that you wrote. I didn't know about the autism thing though...I REALLY hope they're wrong!
Lindsey J
I'm pretty sure I agreed with everything you said. I think most people would. Those who don't are the minority and therefore trying to make themselves feel better by trying to convince everyone else to do things the way they did.
I could not agree with you more...on EVERY subject. I won't bore you with specifics but, i completely agree. About the epidural...i always say, 'when you get a root canal done do you ask for no novicane because "you can do it" or do you take the medicine?' duh.
I agree with you on everything! As far as autism is concerned, I just did a paper on it for school and autism isn't caused by premature birth, and it's not caused by vaccinations. I wouldn't sweat it - and it sounds like you're not. Also... my husband's aunt and uncle just had a little baby die because he was born at home and had some lung problems. It was really sad but I realized exactly what you did - just that it's so much better to be there at the hospital where medicine is accessible... since we have the technology. I love your vent posts, too - they get me thinking about where I stand on things.
OK. So in the past hour i have fallen down the stairs and had a 200 lb table fall ON TOP of me in the garage. I'm laying here in bed feeling sorry for myself and i CAN'T stop thinking about this post! I HAVE to comment more about it. I feel the need to rant and rave and your post is on my TOP 5 list of things that piss me off! I appologize Anne. Be prepared for some bad spelling and a LOT of TMI.
Ok. FIRST of all. I've already told you my feelings on the epidural BUT, after i had Nicci i had pulled a groin muscle, broke a blood vessel, AND TORE all the way...and someone had the AUDACITY to tell me that because i had an epidural i COULDN'T say i had a "natural" birth. B.S. yes. I swore in the church house. I gave birth to my daughter 'naturally', thank YOU.
SECOND. Breast feeding. I got engorged like everyone else and wanted to shoot myself for 3 days! I attempted breast feeding for 3 WEEKS and Nicci kept throwing it up and PLUS i didn't produce enough to feed her...AND i wan't to commit i stopped for EVERYONE"S benefit! I was told (by FIL) that i was 'selfish' and that my baby would not develop properly without it. Yea. My suicidal thoughts quickly turned to homicidal.
THIRD. Midwives. May they all burn in hell. (For any midwife reading this- i'm sorry...i'm only speaking of the ones I'VE personally met.) My feelings are as yours Anne. In my ward at the time i was number 5 out of 7 pregnancies. Five out of the seven pregnancies had their babies at home. NONE of them talked to me or the other girl doing it in a hospital (where a baby SHOULD be born!)...instead they all got huddled around every Sunday and talked about who could get into the best quarderback position to have their friggin babies! psycos.
FOURTH. Vaccinations! WHY would you NOT participate?! You seriously think you're doing your child a FAVOR by saving them from a prick of a needle VERSUS having some disease that could take their life?! Another, psyco.
You are 100% on track. I'm fully behind you. It is OK that people do things differently, BUT don't you dare enfringe your opinions on us other ALSO opinionated folk if we are respecting your crazy habits!!
You ARE my hero Anne Lee.
(in case i was unclear in my first paragraph...YOUR POST didn't piss me off, i share the same pistofity (yes i made that word up) as YOU do about all those issues!) :)
k. thanks.
So this is what I get to look forward to? I'm thrilled...
Actually, your post made me think about a lot of things I hadn't before. Which is probably good, considering this baby is going to show up in three months. So keep on venting, because I'm soaking up every bit of info you throw out there. Oh, and I completely agree. God wouldn't have invented the epidural if he didn't want me to get one.
Way to go on stating your opinion. I think it's great when people have there own opinions and then don't try to convince others that they have they only correct way of doing things.
Can I say one thing about midwives? I see midwives, but they called Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs). They work next to the hospital, at a normal clinic. Don't worry I did not deliever at home, are you crazy!! There are way too many things that can go wrong. I don't think they can even do that here. Anyway, I really like them because they are so easy to talk to, and they really make sure that you get what you want. (As I am sure many ob/gyn do as well, I just haven't found many.) Also I like them b/c through out my pregnancy with Emma I saw all 3 of them, and when it came time to deliever, I knew that one of the three of them would be there, not just whatever dr. was on call. And one last thing :), if there was any complication they always have ob's back them up.
Ok, I am done. That's all. I just wanted to say that not all midwives are the homebirth, with incense, and beads kind.
p.s. no I'm not pregnant. :(
Just thinking about the above comment - I was so lucky to get induced when my OB was on call - I would have had a hard time with someone I had never seen. That's why I do love my Dr, she worked it out to make sure she would be there because she knew I was concerned. Phew - I would have had a breakdown. Also, I need a topic to vent about. I guess I have opinions but I don't feel strong enough or get offended to actually do a venting post. If you have any suggestions for such a mild mannered Anne-wannabe, let me know. :)
I don't know about the rest of you, but I want to birth my baby in the bath tub.
I just had a baby and went through so much of this. If one more La Leche Leaguer tells me just to pump more or feed more often or wake my sleeping baby to force him to eat all in the name of increasing my milk supply, it will be a good thing my baby is bottle fed because I will be in jail for homicide.
You would think that anyone who had actually been through the joy/trauma/fatigue/thrill/pain etc. of childbirth would be more sympathetic, but instead so many of them just need to be muzzled!
Since I get to be dealing with all this in a little less than 3 months I really appreciate the opinions and comments. I think there are so many options because there are so many different circumstances. Judgmental people tick me off too.
the after birth on the mattress part made me laugh. and i don't even know what after birth is.
Wow, do you all realize how hypocritical you're being? Honestly. I don't have kids, so maybe it's easier for me to be objective about this, but think through these things people.
"God wouldn't have invented the epidural if he didn't want me to get one." Do I even need to comment on this? Come on. God made people. People made epidurals. God made people that are sociopaths. Does that mean He wanted that man to kill the kid next door? No. He wants us to make our own decisions, while consulting Him. Did you consult Him about the epidural? If you really strove to know if God wanted you to have one, great, but does that mean He wants everyone to have one? No. People get to make their own decisions, including the people who didn't get an epidural.
"in a hospital (where a baby SHOULD be born!)...psycos."
"Another, psyco." "It is OK that people do things differently" First of all, learn to spell. Second of all, do you even SEE what it is you're writing? If you really believed it was OK for people to do things differently wouldn't you not be calling them psychos? You didn't say, "They were yelling at me that I was killing my child by not vaccinating them," that might be considered a psycho. You called anyone who doesn't vaccinate a psycho. If you don't want other people to tell you what to do with your child do you have the right to tell them what to do with theirs?
If you found out a good friend had her baby at home would you think she was a psycho, even if she didn't push it on you and you heard from someone else? If you found out a good friend didn't vaccinate her 4 year old, would you call her crazy and refuse to respect her decision?
It doesn't sound like most of you are respecting people's "crazy habits." So please don't profess to be some kind of a tolerant saint.
"I think it's great when people have there own opinions and then don't try to convince others that they have they only correct way of doing things." No, you think it's great when people have YOUR opinion.
You say it's great that people researched these things out. Does that mean you didn't? I understand that these things aren't for everyone, or even the majority, but does that make them wrong? Does that make them right?
"judgmental people tick me off."'re not being judgmental then?
Many of you are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm sure many of you have 'bible-bashed' before. You strongly believe in your religion and want to share it with others. People who believe in not circumcising or not having an epidural or not vaccinating or whatever don't want you to choose their way because they're narcissistic. They truly believe what they're doing is right and would feel guilty if they didn't at least share what they believe (like you with your religion). Many of them just can't control their emotions as we all know things pertaining to birth and raising children are highly emotional and personal.
One more thing, there ARE people who read this blog that do many of the things you are all blaspheming. Do you not care about the feelings of your friends? Just because we have the internet now people think they can let loose and say whatever they want and it doesn't matter because it's not face to face. Would you say these things to someones face? If not, save it for a real journal. If you have a hard time writing in a real journal, type it up.
I read this post after your current one, so sorry this comment is a little late. I say, Amen sista to ALMOST everything.
I actually used a midwife on my first baby and a OBGYN on my second...just cause I wanted to see what both were like. My sister is a labor and delivery nurse and recommended the best of both to me.
I am a give-me-my-epidural, hospital all the way kind of girl. I actually felt like the midwife was more capable than the doctor. I delivered in the hospital with all the modern drugs and still used a midwife. I think you are thinking of how midives USED to be. They aren't doulas. The only difference is my midwife stayed in the hospital for my whole labor. (Not in my room...just in the hospital.) She did all the checking and nursing stuff along with the delivery. It was a little more personal...less pop-the-kid-out.
I really loved her. I liked my OB too, but I am going back to the midwives for the rest of my babies.
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