Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So, I've been making a concerted effort to try to not be such a slave to the computer. And phone. And TV. Because I am. I feel like it's turning me into a crappy mom, because sometimes, it's way more fun to see what's on my google reader than get on the floor or go down the hall and play with Hazen. That makes me sad, because he's so much fun. Sometimes, when I go to bed, I realize that I might have spent more time on the computer or talking to a friend on the phone than I did ACTUALLY being present with him, when he's in the same room as me, almost the entire day. That's sad. So, if you notice a lack of blogging, that's why. I'm trying to be more "unplugged". I'm trying to have a cleaner house. I'm trying to make sure that I go to the gym, and then, come home and shower instead of checking Facebook. Ya know? I have such a darling family- I would hate to waste them!


Amanda Fetters said...

This is SO TOTALLY how I have been feeling lately. I keep telling myself that playing with Lizzy is *way* more important than blogging, in the eternal scheme of things. And then I go read blogs.

So, I'm with ya, sista.

Annemarie said...

I hear ya! You're a good mom!!!

Unknown said...

I feel the same way! I want to read my scriptures more...THEN blog.