Thursday, August 9, 2007

Worth writing home about....

After pumping 10 times and getting NOTHING, I got enough to actually write home about. Ok, so it's still like, 1/4 tsp, but HEY, after feeling like a stinking cow, and not feeling like I could do anything to help my baby, I feel SO happy. Giving him the vital gift of breastmilk is the BEST (and only) thing I can really do to help, so I'm more than thrilled that I can contribute. See, baby? Mama loves you!


Unknown said...

HI Anne-
Just to give you faith, it always takes me 2-3 days for my milk to come in. With Jackson (my first), it was a good 3-4 days, so have faith.

Ali said...

What an amazing experience to read about. He is beautiful. He needs your love more than anything and I know you're giving him plenty of that! Best of luck!