We've been finding quite a bit of time for fun around here in between studying. I'm so grateful that we have a few core friends that we love to spend time with! The Robisons are always willing to put up with us, and we die laughing every time that we do anything together. Josh and Kirsten Krason are so fun and nice enough to drive over to play with us pretty much at the drop of a hat. My friend Amanda, from school, cracks me up, and we do a ton of fun stuff while we're taking study breaks.
I guess I'm at the season of my life where I need to be able to look back and remember that it wasn't all tests, studying, staying up late doing homework, and crying because of stress. There was a lot of wonderful friends who helped get us through all of it. I've always wanted to have a home that could be filled with laughter and fun, and our incredible friends help give me that. I'm also so blessed to have such amazing people in my life that I can pick up the phone and talk with for hours if time allows! Life is hard right now. I don't want to forget that- if I make it seem like every moment is a breeze, it in some ways, cheapens the hard work that is being put forth to achieve the end result of successful careers.
Thank you, peeps, for being such wonderful friends, and putting up with me when I have anxiety attacks about school, or when my head explodes after the superbowl (true story), or when my kid throws books at you. I'll love you forever. :)
Hey Anne, we need to hang out again! The last "card club" was a blast with you there, I'll try and throw something together soon. (:
Friends are amazing-and your mama grew one of my favorites (plus his sisters of course).
Boston looks like he could be Josh's baby with that dark mohawk.
I agree that saying everything is easy doesn't give you efforts for all your hard work. That's when I hate it when people say crap like, "school was the best years ever" and they had stupid non-competitive degrees. :)
AHHH i love the picture of Josh and the baby!! You are a great friend too. Yay for good friends and cute babies.
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