Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wait, what do you feed YOUR kid for breakfast??

Yesterday, Aubrey and Jason came over for breakfast. We made a delightful meal of waffles, but while Hazen and I were waiting for them to come upstairs, Hazen made a mad dash for his new favorite snack: dried peas. I have no clue why he's so obsessed with them, but at any chance, he eats them by the handful. He was so funny while he ate them, he'd get the silliest look on his face, and then dance around as he had his cheeks full to the brim. He sure is a cutie!


Gabriella said...

I'll have to try those, all though I don't know if even I could eat them. Way to go Hazen!

Big J said...

I LOVE your blog!!! I would miss so many wonderful moments of my boys life if it wasn't for your blog. To be able to see his smiling face really brightens up this dungeon of a place I work in. Thank you for taking the time to record our family for all, especially me, to enjoy. I love you.

Kirsten Krason said...

That is so funny. Could be worse. Josh stuffs his face with Chocolate.