Sunday, April 19, 2009

Banana Splits

The night before Easter, we went and had Banana Splits at my parent's house. Aubrey and Brown Jason came, too, and fun was had by all. Hazen spent a large portion of the evening outside having me lift him up so he could make baskets. I learned that I either need to get taller, or increase my upper-body strength. Lifting a 32 lb baby above my head over and over again gets tiring! Grandma bought the whipped cream in a can, and got Hazen pumped up on sugar by spraying the stuff directly into his mouth! It was cute watching him enjoy his Ice Cream, though. Brown Jason had never assembled a Banana Split, and it had been AGES since I'd had one, so fun was had by all!


Nortorious said...

Get that kid away from the back of that truck. He's making me nervous.