Sunday, October 14, 2007

He's a cryer.

We just got back from the Dr. because Hazen hasn't stopped crying for 24 hours, and we thought he was dying.

No. He's just a cryer. Heaven help me.


Celia Fae said...

Oh, is is the chocolate? What do his dulcet cries tell you? I guess he's developing some pretty strong lungs then, huh?

heidiram said...

BLAST FROM THE PAST . . . July 2005

Sarah: Crying uncontrollably

Anne: HEIDI Your daughter is crying. DO SOMETHING!

Heidi: She's been fed. Her diaper has been changed. She just woke up from a nap. I've tried holding her. I've rocked her. I've stuck her in the car and taken a ride around the block, etc. etc. etc.

Sarah: More crying. And upping it a notch for the drama factor because she senses her aunt is HIGHLY ANNOYED with all this crying.

Modern day . . . Oct. 2007

Heidi: Welcome to my world! Just think of the positive, instead of 24 hours of crying it could be 2 years, 4 months, xxx days of crying like Sweet Sarah. Hazen is developing great lungs. That's a good thing! Just take plenty of motrin and prozac/lexapro so you can power through it. :0) (Prozac will make you comatose and you'll be living in a fog. . . lexapro you can still function and do the day to day tasks that need to be carried out, but in a Calmer way. Just takes the edge off a bit.)

Heather said...

Heidi is so helpful. Nuthin like a little salt..

Sarah said...

Gripe. Water.

The only places I have seen it are Trader Joes and Whole Foods, so if you need me to get it, I totally will. It's homeopathic, and not harmful at all, but somehow it helps babies' tummies settle and feel better.

Maybe he is just really proud of his lung power and wants to show off?

Ashley Clark said...

Send that cute baby to Seattle. I'll watch him for a couple of days!

Hazen5 said...

Poor Babies (Hal, you and Jason)!!! Put him in his car seat and set it on the Dryer for a few minutes. The noise and vibration may soothe him or you for a minute!

Unknown said...

The swing....

I think I learned early on to have both boys in the swing from 4pm to 9pm - they even slept at night in the swing for the first few months. Criticize me if you will, but I got some sleep and some quiet.

Natalie Z said...

Is everything ok?? Do you want me to come up again?? I start work tommorow but could possibly come up Thursday night.

Nortorious said...

Nice try! When my baby cries (which she never does, except when I'm not there) I just think of stuffing her back in. She was easier to carry on the inside.

paige said...

Good luck! I would for sure try the swing thing & any "remedies" that people suggest. Polly slept in her swing until she could roll over. :) Hey, it takes up less space than a huge bassinet! :) Also, if he likes to be bounced, her one of those excersize that even how you spell it?.... balls to sit on & bounce him. My friend had a baby that LOVED it. All the best!

Ellie said...

At least you know his airway is clear. Love your favorite ER Nurse.

Brie said...

Probiotics helped Liam's colic, and even if it doesn't work, it certainly can't hurt! You can get baby-dophilus at a health food store or online