Sunday, October 7, 2007

Chocolate...or Child??

My boy doesn't like chocolate. It makes him extraordinarily cranky, which is a crying shame because he really is a delightful baby. This is also a crying shame because I have never had stronger cravings for chocolate in my entire life.

So, do I do without the chocolate (and lose the last 14 lbs) and have a happy baby, or do I eat that dang piece of cake, and snuggle my unhappy baby? One would think that it would be a very easy decision, but I'll tell's not as cut and dry as it might seem.


Sarah said...

Does he dislike all chocolate, or can you get away with a milk chocolate or white even? Maybe you can get some milder chocolates. And I totally know it isn't the same, but if nothing else, get a chocolate flavored lollipop from Sees, they are so yummy!

Heather said...

Chocolate and earplugs. That's my take anyway.

Hazen5 said...

I am with Heather, Chocolate!!!! You will end up holding HAL anyways. And there is always tomorrow for the weight! MY motto is, "If Momma ain't Happy, ain't Nobody happy!" Be happy with Chocolate!

Paige said...

He'll get over his minor annoyance with the most delicious of all food. Maybe you should OVER expose him to it?

Or, you could just eat it every other day, one happy day for you, one happy day for him! Cutting out chocolate doesn't not help you lose weight. Cutting out all food except fruits and veggies makes you lose weight. And that's a life none of us chubbies want to lead.

Unknown said...

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. Trust me, I had to give up 95% of my sugar intake because of my body's inability to process it. It's a killer the first few weeks, then gets to be no problem. I used Costco's pack of frozen berries to bridge the gap. I know that isn't the fun answer.

Kirsten Krason said...

Okay friend. So at michaels they have the orange lanterns for like a buck each. Then I got some brown pipe cleaners, and cool green paper. I just curled the pipe cleaners around a marker and cut out the leaves. Then...for the stem. I molded some alumnium foil and painted it black. Or you can put green tape around them. Like the flower tape. Do it! i am so glad your baby is home with you where he belongs.

Ali said...

Oh honey,
Good luck with your predicament. I hope I never have to make that choice.

Nortorious said...

Chocolate and baby gas relief medicine. I found, however, that keeping a stash of jolly ranchers in every room made my life easier and more delicious.
Child needs to build up a chocolate tolerance. I think the chocolate thing is hogwash.
Back in the game, new address. Come on by one and all:

mamasuisse said...

I had this problem with Matthew. He screamed for 3 days from one little bite of chocolate. Good luck!

Celia Fae said...

Maybe it is just milk in general. Maybe you should give up all dairy. Have fun with that water on the cereal, Anne.

Dallas and Krista said...

i totally hear you sister. I am going trough the same withdraws, it stinks. I have tried every other kind of sweet trying to curb my cravings and it is just not working!

Fact:Bears eat beets said...

Look at me when I am talking to you!

Sorry. I just had to write that.

AnnEE said...

Huh? I don't get it. Are you trying to scare away my blog commenters, Rob? Unacceptable.

Ellie said...

Have you tried just coco puffs? You can grind them up and snort them. That way they bypass the Gastrointestinal tract and make the chocolate directly intravenous.
ps---I'm WAY better then NOR. Not as funny as Val though. Nicer then Paige and less clever then Celia. Now it is like you've known me forever. Also, I heart your baby. Now we are best friends.