Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Bee Sting

This happened forever ago, but I wanted to document a horrid occasion from earlier in the summer. I was out with my mom and Hazen while she gardened, and Hazen was crawling around on the grass. All of the sudden, I heard a scream, and Hazen looked up at me with absolutely horrified eyes. He picked up his right hand, shook it a little, and screamed while tears poured down his face. I grabbed him, and saw that he had a bee attached to his poor little thumb. If you know me, you know that there is probably nothing that I'm more afraid of than bees. I swatted the bee away, but I was afraid that it was a wasp, so I was running around like a mad-woman while I tried to get the bee out of Hazen's hand, and trying to ensure that nothing else stung us. Finally, once I had gotten the bee off of him, he was still crying. So, I looked down at his thumb and saw that the stinger was still in there! Stupid bee. My mom helped me hold him still so we could get the stinger out and pack it with dirt. His poor hand was swelling up like a balloon, so we went inside, put his hand under some cold water, and then put Benadryl on the site. Luckily, within time, it stopped swelling up, and he stopped crying. We now know that Hazen isn't allergic to bees, but that Mommy hates them more than ever!


Sarah said...

Poor guy! I hate bees. Loathe, actually. I got stung by 9 wasps and a bee all in one day when I was a kid. I flip out anytime I see one now.

Unknown said...

Sad! That's SO sad! said...

YICKS... Does the latest post make you a bit nervous ????????