Friday, October 23, 2009


Hazen has been really embracing any moment that he has to be naked lately. Since he's never peed on me, and generally shows pretty good bladder control, I go with it. When I change his diaper, he loves to pat his belly and scream, "Mommy! I'm naked!!" I'm not sure if this is a bad thing, but it sure is funny!

Lately, after baths, he's been running out to the living room in his towel and asking so sweetly for a story. I ask him if we should put his jammies on, to which he responds, "Mmmmnope. Naked!" So, we have nakie storytime. He is so cute and snuggly and will let me read to him for close to an hour with just his towel keeping him warm. We blow through books and sing songs and have the best Mommy/Baby time. I don't know what I'll do when he doesn't want to snuggle with me anymore, but in the meantime, I eat every second of it up!


LinnieBell said...

good book choice :)

have you seen the movie yet?? i think i need to see it this weekend!


Papa Nacho said...


Did he get that habit from his Daddy?

You still hold him don't you?


queenieweenie said...

2 year old=cute
12 year old=creepy

Dani said...

anne! a blog! cool! You're looking great.

Emily said...

So cute!!