Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Party at the Lee's!!

When I was recovering from my surgery, Amanda and Micah came over to make me dinner, and entertain me. Well, I KNEW, but had never experienced firsthand that both Micah and Amanda are quite the glow-stickers. So, we turned off the lights, bumped the techno, and had a very entertaining evening. You might not think the video is that funny, but it cracks me up EVERY time I watch it. Hazen loved the glowsticks. He would sit on our laps and watch the show, and then liked to give his input and show us his moves, as well.

So, if you're ever feeling sad and lonely, chances are, there's a rave or something going on at my house. Come on over!


Emily said...

I haven't commented in a while, so 1) could you have saved some of your boob to give them to me?? I'm just kidding. I think it's awesome that you made that decision, good for you! and 2) so cool that you had a rave at your house. I am mad jealous.

Ashley Clark said...

I really hope this rave didn't involve drugs. Oh wait, you were on drugs. He he...

Unknown said...

that was pretty sweet!