Thursday, October 16, 2008

Everyone Poops!

Everyone does not, however, poop in my tub. Oh wait, Hazen does! I've learned that if I take a shower while he's playing, and then put him in the tub while I get ready, everyone is happy! He's thrilled, because he gets to play for a good 1/2 hour, and I'm happy, because I don't look like I fell out of a garbage can like I do most days!

The other day, while I got ready, I noticed a little something accompanying Hazen in the tub. It was a fabulous log of poop. How can you get exasperated with such a darling face??


Amanda Fetters said...

SICK!!!! The fact that you THOUGHT TO TAKE A PICTURE of it just kills me.

You're lucky. The last time Lizzy pooed in the tub, it was not quite so, um, solid.

Emily said...

I can't believe you took a picture of his poop! I'm glad that grown-ups don't poop in tubs.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Rob poops in the tub. Jk.

Ashley Clark said...

"fabulous poop" eh? poop is never fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Do you watch Jon and Kate Plus 8? Kate takes a picture of all of her kids first poops on the potty. You reminded me of this episode. It cracks me up.