Saturday, September 1, 2007

Go look!

I don't have time right this SECOND to write a whole new post, however, if there are any of you who are bored and on the computer this holiday weekend, go to

She came to the hospital and took some INCREDIBLE pictures of my boy! These are just a few, but aren't they beautiful!???

I'll have something exciting to say by tonight, probably. Love you all.


paige said...

Yay! I went to her website & couldn't get in to look at them. I am so glad you put up the blog page so I could see a few. How precious, I love him.

ashli said...

just me again...blogstalker #11, ashli. those pics are absolutely adorable. you can completely see the absolute love in your eyes. so sweet! hope he's home soon.
ashli storheim

Anonymous said...

saw the pictures. loved them. thanks again for the games, for buying us ice cream, and for just plain being incredible friends. don't worry, we will see you in december. love you!

Sarah said...

Hi Anne!

Sorry to be MIA lately... It's not the game, it's just me blowing the world off. I am so happy Hazen is doing better. I have finished his blanket and will be sending it off Monday, I will use the same addy that Babies R Us sent me for the confirmation email. Anyways, sorry I am holing up, just going through some hard personal stuff and trying to cope with things. I love the sweet baby pictures!!!!

I will try to write later, if I can. Sorry I'm such a bummer...

Unknown said...

The pics are amazing. Brought tears to my eyes - of course, that could also be because of the hormones.
here's wishing you a great SUNDAY!

Julie said...

Anne - thanks for sharing these sweet photos of you guys with Hazen. You are all in our thoughts and prayers - keep hanging in!