Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Plight of the Rib

I have a rib. I have a lot of them, actually, but I have one in particular that doesn't like to stay in alignment. When this rib pops out, it makes it difficult for me to breath, sleep, exist, really. Luckily, I have a fabulous chiropractor who pops it in like no chiropractor I've ever had could. He's also taught Jason how to pop it in, as well, unfortunately, Jason's legs are too long, and it doesn't work super good. Cue: friends at the fondue party. We all had a grand time trying to get my rib back in place. If nothing else, I was able to provide everyone with a good laugh. Thanks, Kirst and Emily for helping a friend out!


Kirsten Krason said...

Sorry if I broke your body. I honestly gave that everything I had.

Randi said...

Anne! Chad (my husband) is an athletic trainer and he used to tell me all the time about athletes that "pop a rib out"and I thought he was making it up! I used to call him out on it! But I had one out and he popped it back in one day.. I'm totally converted. It was heaven.

Ashley Clark said...

This makes me laugh and miss you and miss your food. :)