Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Reasons Why I Simply Cannot Post

1. I just got my Christmas cards, and now I need to send them. If you get one, you better act surprised at the letter. Mmkay?

2. I need to finish my homemade Christmas. Wait until after Christmas to see a picture. It's cute, I tell ya

3. I need to watch the Biggest Loser

4. I need to avoid my husband, who has the stomach flu, like a plague. While doing so, I must hope and pray me and the boy don't get sick, too.

5. I need to disinfect my house from said sicky hubby.

6. I need to do about 6 loads of laundry before we go to California

7. I need to ignore my baby who needs to go to bed and is crying in his crib.


Anonymous said...

You are cute.

Anna said...

Good luck with all of that!

Heather said...

Is taking vomicilin?

Remember the time he pulled a Pukey McBarfsitup in my bathroom? That was awesome. You are totally going to get it.

Tell him I said, "Lucky Charms."

or "Expired Milk".

Amanda Fetters said...

You are a doll. Muah.

Ashley Clark said...

Ok. I forgive you for not posting. You're being a good mom and wife instead.

Brandi Lyn said...

I have all of our Christmas cards...i just need to write on them and send them. I think they'll be more like 'New Years cards' that say Merry Christmas. Youre such a cute mommy and wifee.