Saturday, April 7, 2007

Back tracking hardcore!!

So, I don't think that I've ever updated LOTS of you (like there's more than 4 people who read my blog..) but, I don't think that I've told you exactly how Jason and I told my parents that we were expecting a baby.

We went out to the house of Prime Rib, and waited....waited...waited until the perfect moment to pop the news to them. Then, we had gotten them each baby bibs that said I love Grandma, and I love Grandpa, respectively. So, we gave them the bags with the bibs and they opened them. At first, I think that they thought that we were just really sweet kids who got them bibs to use for their OTHER grandkids, but then, it set in, and excitement was all around. It was really fun. Everyone in the restaurant was freaking out. It was fun! We're definitely glad that we had that chance to share such a great bit of news with my parents. I sure love them a lot!!!

1 comments: said...

Actually ... I was offended at first because I thought the bibs were for US ... you see, I am having a bit of a problem keeping spots off my shirt lately.

Congrats ...
