Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's not me, it's you

My blog sucks.

I realize this, and I'm trying to rectify this. But, I blame you, my readers. No comments equals no real desire to blog. So here we go, I'll try to get better, and be more witty, and post more than pictures of my kid not wearing pants, and actually update more than once every never, and you people leave me comments. Deal?

**Ok, fine, the MAIN reason that I'm not blogging has nothing to do with lack of comments, and everything to do with the fact that I WORK ALL OF THE TIME, but I am really just scamming for comments. Is that so wrong?


Amanda Fetters said...

Whatever dude. I totally FBd you for your schmancy new blog address and you didn't pony up!! I'm still here, just twiddling my thumbs.... :)

The Hall's said...

welcome back! i love reading blogs. you should get on ashley and make her update her blog too. haha.